Apple CarPlay Installation at San Diego Car Stereo

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Install Apple CarPlay in San Diego.

Apple CarPlay Installation in San Diego

San Diego Car Stereo in Kearny Mesa are the experts when it comes to getting your car, truck or other vehicle equipped with the latest technology. Whether that means a new car stereo, GPS navigation, custom tinted windows or a different upgrade, you can be sure that we offers premium brands at affordable prices. With Apple CarPlay installation, we may just have the crown jewel of car accessories and technology. Apple CarPlay is a revolutionary new way to successfully integrate the technology you know and love on your Apple iPhone directly into the dashboard of your car.

What is Apple CarPlay iPhone integration?

Apple CarPlay is an amazing technology that allows you to view and access iPhone apps right on your dashboard. Apple CarPlay takes away a lot of the unnecessary danger that comes with looking at your phone while driving, n0t to mention the fact that in California it is breaking the law! Apple CarPlay projects useful applications straight from your iPhone to your dashboard. This easy and conveniently allows you to play music right from your iPhone, get GPS driving directions, take phone calls, make texts, listen to podcasts and more. The convenience and safety that Apple CarPlay gives you is incredibly valuable, and you can get this luxury at San Diego Car Stereo.

San Diego Car Stereo Offers Apple CarPlay Installation

San Diego Car Stereo offers expert installation of Apple CarPlay. We have technicians on staff with experience installing an Apple CarPlay into a wide variety of cars and trucks. Our team will make your Apple CarPlay look like it came with your car when you bought it, as there will be no evidence of the prior dashboard. If you are interested in getting an Apple CarPlay installed in your car or truck, give us a call at (858) 569-0777 or stop by our Kearny Mesa location.